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Springboard: A Vision Board & Journaling Workshop (Free Event)

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Springboard: Vision Board & Journaling Workshop

I am delighted to offer this complementary workshop in partnership with the NEWKD.

We all know 2020 was an incredibly challenging year, full of highs and lows and as we move further into 2021, it is a time for renewed hope and looking ahead.

Spring brings with it a collective yearning for change, for growth. It evokes in us a willingness to reflect and ask ourselves what that change might look like and what we might want for ourselves in the months ahead.

Join me to take a breather from the hustle, bustle or even routine of everyday life and create space to consider do you really know what you want for yourself this year? What vision, dreams and goals do you have and what support and actions can help you make these a reality?

Yes, things are different now but there is only one true way to ensure this version of different is empowering you as you step onwards through 2021 – create your vision, set your intensions, and plan your path.

With all this in mind, I’m excited to invite you to “Springboard: A (Virtual) Vision Board & Journaling Workshop”.

How it will work:

You’ll receive a Zoom webinar link in advance of the workshop. Our Workshop is live and held virtually. We will gather from the comfort of our own homes on Zoom – I’d love to be able to see you all on camera with me but you also have the option of turning off your video too.  Due to the sharing element of this Workshop, I will not be able to send out the recording in order to protect privacy, thank you for understanding.

We will start by introducing ourselves (if you’re comfortable). Then a grounding meditation will help set the intension and get us all into the right mindset & headspace for creating & manifesting.

Once settled in, we will turn to our Vision for our own lives for 2021. In this part of the Workshop, you can look forward to:

  • Learning about awesome theories and studies behind happiness & The Law of Attraction

  • Uncovering the benefits of regular journaling & how it supports positive mental health & emotional wellbeing

  • Receiving top tips on how to create a regular journaling habit

  • Guidance on how to set powerful goals, understanding motivation, overcoming challenges, actions & tools to help you reach your goals.

  • Learn HOW to undertake the project of creating your own vision board. I’ll share top tips I have (and examples of vision boards I’ve created & used to manifest amazing things) and ensure you feel set and ready to go and bring your beautiful board to life! Please note you will be invited to create your actual vision board in your own time after the Workshop and I will share a checklist of what you might need etc.

  • There will be lots of opportunity for questions too!

Post workshop, you will be invited to join a private pop-up Facebook group for the next 7 days to give you accountability and support whilst you create your board. AND in this Group I will be sharing 3 days’ worth of journaling prompts after the workshop to help you get started – all absolutely free of charge. It will be a safe space for you to share your thoughts, ideas and even pictures of your board if you wish with the rest of the workshop members.

  • Investment: Free to join

  • Bookings: Please book your space online at

  • Suitable for: Anyone from vision board beginners to uber-fans!

  • Equipment needed: A cozy space, pen & paper

Are you carve out some daily me-time & get ready to visualise a year of health, happiness and success?! Join me and together we will manifest an amazing, exciting, healthy 2021!

Go raibh míle maith agat,

Maeve x