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Sports Yoga & Nutrition Workshop

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Sports Yoga & Nutrition Workshop January is often a time for taking up new activities & setting new sports training goals. To help support you with your ambitions, we are delighted to bring you this carefully tailored Workshop of three parts.

1) Sports Yoga Workshop

2) Informative discussion, Q&A & post-workout snack sampling with qualified Nutritional Therapist Anne-Marie Dillon (Kinetic Nutrition, Tralee)

3) Roll & Release Session using doTERRA Deep Blue Essential Oil Muscle Rub to soothe your body

Discover how Yoga can complement, enhance and protect your Training routines, in all aspects of sporting activity, from Running, Cycling, CrossFit, Football, Rugby, Swimming, Weight Training, Hiking, Martial Arts, or whatever it may be. You will also gain the added benefit of learning all about how nutrition can fuel your body for your chosen activity or discipline & sample some post-training snacks. Learn how to release the knots, tension and tightness in the body with easy-to-do-at-home techniques and how doTERRA’s Deep Blue is a natural health solution to support recovery.

Part One: Sports Yoga

This will be an anatomy informed approach to teaching Yoga so you can understand common injuries and prevent reoccurring ones. There are so many benefits to adding Yoga into your weekly routine for every level of athlete, whether you run a few times a week, cycle 100’s of kilometres, train regularly in the gym or with a team or are a full-time professional sportsperson.


  • Injury prevention, enhance performance and building muscle resilience

  • Yoga can help improve your performance by building strength and increasing flexibility where YOU need it.

  • Yoga helps you tune into your body physically and mentally- a better body awareness to prevent injury and aid recovery when needed

  • Learn how to calm your mind to keep you focused when pushing yourself to hit your next goal.

Designed to help you achieve your sporting goals, whether that is to be faster, run or cycle longer or even just to enjoy sports without pain. Come discover why national sports teams and elite athletes use yoga as part of their cross-training regime.

What you can look forward to:

Starting with a 60-minute session focused on increasing flexibility and range of motion. We will finish with 30 minutes of slow stretching that you can incorporate into your regular workouts. We'll use props to help find your correct alignment and to see how this can help you move more deeply into the postures safely and comfortably.

  • Stretching techniques to prevent injury and maintain joint range of motion

  • Effective and efficient breathing

  • Core strengthening

  • Post-training ‘restorative’ stretches to speed up recovery

  • Mental training techniques adapted from yoga

Part Two: Nutrition to Fuel your Activity

Anne-Marie Dillon Nutritionist Therapist of Kinetic Nutrition will present a 45-minute interactive, informative discussion with Q&A focusing on:

  • How to eat right to maximise your energy balance

  • The importance of macronutrient intake for your lifestyle & body

  • How best to fuel your body for your chosen activity / workouts

  • The science and common sense behind re - fuelling post after exercise

  • Learn all about the right kind of healthy snacks and how what you eat can boost exercise recovery

You’ll also get to sample post work-out snacks & Busy Botanist Herbal Tea packed with medicinal herbs to ease away aches and pains. Helps tackle musculoskeletal issues (eg) short (sprains etc) to long (arthritis). AND you’ll receive a take-home info pack with recipes.

Part Three: doTERRA Deep Blue Essential Oil Muscle rub with Roll & Release

doTERRA Deep Blue is perfect for a soothing massage after training / a work-out. Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Helichrysum, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, and Osmanthus work together to soothe and cool your muscles.

What you can look forward to:

  • Learn about how a natural, Certified Pure Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil can aid your body’s recovery.

  • After applying your own sample of Deep Blue, you’ll be guided through a ball roll & release session to ease out knots, tension & tightness in your body.

  • Leaving you feeling relaxed, refreshed and at ease in your body & mind.

There will be an opportunity to order your own Deep Blue Muscle Rub should you wish to avail of a special 25% workshop discount.

Investment: 35 euro per person includes snacks, teas, doTERRA Deep Blue sample & take-home info pack. Tickets available online at:

So ditch the bike / trainers / speedos etc to roll out the mat and come join us as an investment in your body for 2020. We look forward to a really insightful day together.

See you there,

Maeve & Anne-Marie

Later Event: February 23
Happy Heart Sunday Escape