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Therapeutic Yoga

Supta Pagustasana assist.JPG

Have you ever wanted to try Yoga but felt you “wouldn’t be able” or been to a class but felt like you couldn’t do the poses or keep up. Then this might be the class for you! Therapeutic Yoga or Yoga Therapy is the adaptation of Yoga practices for people with specific health and / or mobility challenges, conditions or needs.  This may be an illness, a temporary condition like an injury, or a chronic condition.

Therapeutic Yoga can play an important role in reducing stress and frustration that results from health issues and help increase positive feelings and well-being. Medical research shows that Yoga therapy is among the most effective complementary therapies for treating physical, psychological or emotional challenges we may face.

Yoga Therapy may be used to:

·   reduce symptoms of illness or injury

·   establish more functional breathing and movement patterns

·   reduce physical and mental suffering

·   improve quality of life

·   enhance positive coping strategies.

No previous experience of yoga is necessary.

What you can look forward to:

After an initial private consultation with you, I combine my knowledge of Yoga therapy practices with your self-knowledge, to formulate specific Yoga practices such as joint mobility exercises and both stretching & strengthening of muscles. Mindfulness and Breathing techniques to encourage better breathing, sleep and more relaxed minds are also included. If you are currently undergoing treatment / physio etc all of this will be factored in for a holistic approach.

The class may include chair yoga and the use of props, meditation and relaxation and above all a social outlet for you to meet up and practice in a friendly class environment. This class is “do-able ” for all, light hearted and you’ll feel better by just coming along to try it out! Each session is tailored to the needs of this small group of individuals. Ability to get up & down from the floor (with assistance / support if required) is a prerequisite to the class. Yoga can also be performed in the Chair for certain aspects of the class if required.

Conditions covered include, but are not limited to:

·         Stress/anxiety

·         Cardiovascular health

·         Musculoskeletal conditions

·         Recovering from an accident or illness

·         Arthritic conditions

·         Stroke rehabilitation

·         MS

·         Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

·         Sports injury

·         Women's and men's health

How to book your space:

Please contact Maeve on 087-3679132 for your 121 confidential telephone consultation about the details of your condition / challenge and primary needs. You’re in safe hand with Maeve who has completed additional training and experience in the therapeutic application of yoga.

Investment: €75 for 5 week course

Course Dates: 8th Nov, 29th Nov, 6th Dec, 13th Dec & 20th Dec (no class on 14th & 21st Nov)

Location: Baile Mhuire Day Care Centre, Balloonagh, Tralee