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Chocolate Yoga @ Banna Beach

It's Easter! The weather is set to be gorgeous and it's the perfect time to pair the drool-worthy taste of decadent vegan chocolate treats with a flowing beach yoga class, followed by a soothing meditation and restorative yoga poses stretched out under the warm April sunshine listening to the sound of the sea. For me mindful movement, power of breath, the sound of the sea and high quality vegan chocolate are a perfect match!

According to research compiled by Bryn Mawr College, chocolate releases feel-good chemicals,  and hormones in your body, which could be similar to the effect that meditation and yoga cna have on you. Ah sure simply consider it a fun interpretation of the similarities shared by a delightful savasana and a blissful bite of chocolate!

You'll leave feeling more at peace, grounded and content with some delicious treats in your tummy!

I hope you'll join me!

Maeve x