Having a hard time falling asleep? Waking in the middle of the night? Not waking rested?
Research on more than 13,000 people by Laya Healthcare has revealed almost 80% of people are sleep deprived. When you think about it though, you were born knowing how to sleep deeply. Over time stress and life pulls us off balance and negatively impacts our sleep at night and our joy during the day. Luckily there’s hope: sleep-science + yoga-wisdom.
Learning how to switch off our minds so that our bodies can sleep and recharge is the most natural thing in the world - and often the most difficult. Our minds race, our bellies churn and we can't stop looking at the clock. I know how distressing it can be - I've also found the best practices for restful sleep that leaves us refreshed and ready to face the day. I’ve taken best from Yoga and blended it with the most restful therapeutic approaches to give you an experience that will really enhance your sleeping hours. No prior Yoga experience required. Here's what you can look forward to:
Bed-time Yoga - a deeply restful session that will soothe, calm and nourish
Embodied Mindfulness - teaching you what to do when your mind just won't stop
Deep Breathing - for the nights you are wired to the moon
Untying the Knots - 'ironing' out the deep tensions of the shoulder, back and neck using massage balls to get into the nooks and crannies
Yoga Nidra - A guided relaxation practice that leads you to a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, like the "going-to-sleep" stage. It is a state in which the body is completely relaxed. Yoga nidra is among the deepest possible states of relaxation while still maintaining full consciousness.
We wrap up with a soothing cup of camomile herbal tea.
What to bring: Your yoga mat, a cozy blanket, pillow / cushion & water. I will supply yoga props, bolster & tea 😊
Suitable for: Anyone over 17 years old. No prior Yoga experience required. If you are pregnant / have any injuries, please do get in touch in advance
Tickets: http://buytickets.at/ebbflowyoga/302111
Investment: €25 (€10 deposit ticket required in advance due to limited spaces, balance of €15 due at the event)
Booking: Essential & online only
Questions: contact Maeve 087-3679132
See you on the mat for a blissful, sleepy evening, M x