Vegan Baileys Recipe
Vegan Baileys recipe below!!! Read on my friends!
Today was a long day.... I panted and puffed around Glanageenty with my fittie friend Claire, taught chair yoga, planned out the next month of content and the launch of Seasonal Soul and I can NOT wait to tell you all about it! I'm really excited about it! To read up all about it, visit HERE
! I also planned out classes for after Halloween break all the way to Christmas. Yup I said it, the C word! It's only 2 months away fuppin hell!
Taught another class this eve and then come cleaned up the dog bed they decide to massacre for no reason and then unblocked my shower - the glamour of a plunger, drain unblocker and a lot of swear words! It's fair to say I deserve this drink! It's a homemade vegan Baileys.
30ml whiskey
Half tsp instant coffee
Half tsp cocoa powder
Splash almond and vanilla essence
Tsp maple syrup
Almond milk to taste
Shake well and pour over ice.
Mines a double and I add lots of almond milk. I deserve it! Enjoy!