Ebb & Flow Yoga

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Rest is NOT optional

Rest is NOT optional. Its not meant for sliding it around the to-do list like a chess board, strategically trying to outwit our own body, pushing and attempting to outsmart it like some kind of game. We all know how sick stress and constant busyness makes us. And yet we plough on, as though busy is a badge of honour. If you don't make time for rest, it will make time for you and not in a gentle, optional way but in a forceful stop you in your tracks kind of way. I want the right to choose, so I chose rest.

Im loving these cold, crisp days of December. When I originally wrote these words two weeks ago, I had 2 more weeks of classes, 3 events and lots of things to do. January classes and a Gentle Detox Wellness Retreat in Ballygarry Estate & Spa taking place on 21st Jan to advertise and a Winter Self Care Kit to design. So much work to fit in.

But all I wanted to do is wander wrapped up, cozy. I longed to spend days as I please, without timetable or phone reminders. Then the big freeze happened and I had to cancel classes, events and stay at home rather than risk the icy roads so instead of raging against it, hustling and feeling maddingly frustrated, I surrendered to it. 

I walked through the frosty mornings, one day I put on jeans (dressing up for me!) and wandered about an antiques shop to find a prize - a battered, old Thesaurus for €5! I had dinner in town by myself. I watched a movie. I put up my tree, bright and cheery with coloured lights and a mish mash of decorations gathered over the years.

I sat in my chair under the full moon and watched an infinite dome of stars twinkling in the inky black fabric of a December night sky above. Alone and content bundled up in my puffy winter coat, dry robe and chequered fleece blanket, a wooly hat pulled down over my ears and my hands curled into mittens. Kept company by the dogs snuffling at the scents of others, like ghosts long since past, their trails a memory left on the tufty grass.

I chose rest, its a theme for me right now. This is a reminder to you to rest, to pause, to nourish yourself so that you can complete what you still feel you need to without burning out. And if you need help unwinding, you’re very welcome to pop into one of my classes or events any time including a beautiful, nourishing retreat taking place on 21st January 2023 in Ballygarry Estate & Spa. For more information visit Ballygarry.com