Ebb & Flow Yoga

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Surfing Changed My Life

🏄Surfing changed my life 🏄

6 years ago on a miserable June morning, I joined a group surf lesson on Banna Beach. I was 37 years old, I had never picked up a surf board before. I'd seen an ad on social media and booked in on a whim. I'd always quite fancied learning but I had lots of reservations, I couldn't swim very well and I hated the cold! I didn't like not being good at things!

From that day on, it changed my life...

Firstly I met my partner Jason, he was our instructor, I can still see him in that ONeills wetsuit 😍 that was 6 years ago. And I’ve met so many amazing women through surfing from Kerry to Sligo and Morocco, that I’m honoured to now call, my friends.

Surfing has taught me about persistence: it isn't easy, it takes time, countless wipeouts, and lots of practice. Progress comes with perseverance.

Embracing Challenge: It's taught me to face my fears, to be uncomfortable and that in doing so, confidence grows and your sense of bad assery does too! I surfed through the winter this year and it saved me from my usual winter blues. It was worth it if only for the excitment / dread and the screams of laughter paddling through the wild sea, knowing there was a flask of steaming hot chocolate waiting for back in the van

Mindfulness: Surfing has deepened my love and understanding of nature, an immersion in to the elements and I’ve gained valuable life skills such as understanding the wind, swell and tides. And I learned if I'm stuck in my own head and not being present, I'll miss that wave and nose dive!

Community: The surf gang here is welcoming and supportive. I love to shoot the breeze sitting astride the board and I have felt only support and encouragement around me

Self-Discovery: Surfing has pushed me beyond my comfort zone, I've had tantrums, felt afraid, cried with frustration, whooped and hollered with joy and roared laughing. Felt proud of myself and practiced dusting off my ego and to try again.

Failure: It's inherent in surfing, I've had to embrace it because I will nose dive, I will fall off alot, I'll hate it sometimes because it's hard and unpredictable, but then I catch that one wave or see the sunset over Kerry Head with my favourite people and it's all worth it.

To anyone considering picking up something new later in life: Go for it! The waves are waiting, and so are the lessons you'll learn along the way.

I can help you take that first step.... Join one of our Surf & Yoga Days this summer on Banna Beach with Kingdom Waves Surf School, it could change your life. Click below to check out our upcoming surf events - one on 13th July and another on 10th August. Jason and I can’t wait to meet you!

Le grá,

Maeve x