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My top 5 Halloween / Samhain reads

🦇Top 5 Halloween / Samhain Reads🦇

I'm on a total Autum buzz despite the 17 degree weather 👀 trying to slow my pace to match the energy of this season and I'm spending lots of time in my cozy new home. Its the season for a good read as the evenings darken so much earlier now (7.30pm last night!) so I thought I'd share my top 5 favourite samhain season reads with you.

1. Her Kind by Niamh Boyce (Irish author) perfect for samhain!
2.The Good People by Hannah Kent (set in Ireland)
3.The Thursday Murder Club (now a trilogy and I'm obsessed!) by Richard Osman. Its soooo good, not your run of the mill crime thriller btw, epic storytelling!
4.Harry Potter series by JK Rowling
5.The Witches by Roald Dahl - currently rereading a very old tattered copy :) It's so nostalgic, RD made me fall in love with books as a child

And a few extras for you to try:
👻Samhain: The Roots of Halloween by Luke Eastwood (Luke is a Kerry based author)
👻Classics like Dracula, Frankenstein, Interview with a vampire
👻Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman
👻Beasts of Extraordinary Circumstance by Ruth Emmie Lang
👻Anything by Stephen King (I'm a scaredy cat though so I'm gonna pass!!!)

Sometimes I find it hard to sit still with a book, this seems to have gotten worse in the last few years. I bet its the damn phone, making my attention span worse than it was already. I try sit still and battle through the figgetting sometimes but when it feels like I'm getting nowhere, I listen to audio books on Audible. Love them when I'm driving. The plus side is I look forward to them, its no effort and I get through loads. The downside is it doesn't support local book shops 😔 something I'm really getting very conscious of as I love whiling away time in them! With audio I don't take in all that much and wish I could underline the phrases and ideas I love. I usually end up picking up a copy of my favourites after listening! Borrow Box is run through the library and is a great and free alternative.

So any other suggestions for me? Leave a comment below with your favs.

By the way, Seasonal Soul opens its doors on Monday 24th October 2022, to learn more visit HERE