Ebb & Flow Yoga

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Connecting to Imbolc and February's energy

For February, my intention for the month is Vision. We rested, dreamed and hibernated through winter. Sat with what is and was and now at Imbolc, the beginning of Spring and the start of Chinese New Year it’s a time for new beginnings. Imbolc means in the belly, a time for seeds to be sown, life to remerge slowly, tentatively.

Like the green shoots peering out from the dark soil, Spring is not yet fully arrived but there is hope and possibility in the air. The essence of spring is about the return to light and celebrating the stirrings of this life force or neart – strength. Over the coming weeks and months nature will reawaken and her energy will burst forth embodied in frogs mating, small, hopeful, green buds like brave soldiers on the trees and the daffodils’ leafy shoots meerkating above the damp, cold soil in search of light. We too prepare to increase our own energy so we can move gradually from both the imposed metaphorical and natural Winters and their inward reflections to spring forth into outward action. It is a time for creativity and growth, plant your seeds now, nurture them and watch them blossom as the year unfolds.

The energy of Spring shows up as new beginnings, creativity and awakening potential. New relationships or a desire to be in one, new job or stage of life – new territories. Energy of new possibilities and returning growth after stagnancy.

We sometimes resist change, feeling quite ready for it or at ease with it, or we take on too much and feel scattered, unrooted. Or perhaps we fail to make decisions with clarity. The call is to stay rooted like the wood and trees, to draw energy from your stable roots and slow down, trust yourself by listening to yourself, not others.

Here are some of ideas to connect to the energy of February and the season of Spring:

1.       Plan your Vision by creating a vision board

2.       Reflect in your journal daily and ask yourself – what do I need to do today to help my vision(s) become my reality?

3.       Explore a new hobby like Yoga or hill walking or visit a local Holy Well (popular at Feast Days) and learn about their fascinating history

4.       Nature – invite more of the natural world into your life every day

5.       Create a St. Brigid’s Cross or a Brídeog doll for your home in honour of the Celtic Goddess and Saint – Brigid. Her feast day is the 1st February, known as Imbolc in the Celtic calendar

6.       Nourish yourself with seasonal foods like Kale, celeriac, beetroot, parsnips, leeks and cauliflower. And add in sour flavours like fermented and pickled options

7.       Read “Inspire – Life Lessons from the Wilderness” by Ben Fogle, who encourages reconnecting to nature, risk taking and leaning into challenge to grow

8.       Fire, Feast & Family - For our ancestors, the first of February was a time for lighting a bonfire (or candles!) and gathering with friends and family to celebrate and share food to welcome the sunlight back again

9.       Declutter and clean your home

My passion for seasonal living now has a home! I offer a 12-month program called Seasonal Soul. It’s for women who want to rewrite their story and the rules of business in relationship with nature and her seasons, all in community together. I’m also delighted to bring you “A Natural Year” - a series of workshops in the forest and by the coast to immerse yourself in nature and reconnect to the cycle of the year. Information on all these is on my website www.ebbflowyoga.ie/events

I look forward to sharing another reflection with you in March, but for now, focus on enjoying February and exploring this month’s special energy.